L3?!?   9K?!?

It's just a TV show!
Get a life, people!
Move out of your parent's basements!
I've been out of my parents' basement... well, actually I lived upstairs but... anyway, I've been out on my own for a while... well, actually married now, so not exactly alone, but... well, you get the idea. :-)

As far as the length, I start work at 2:15 pm, but due to some transportation problems I arrive at work anywhere from 2 to 6 hours early depending on who is able to provide my transportation that day. If we're busy at work, the managers let me go on the clock early, but otherwise, I have hours with nothing to do after I arrive. That gives me more than enough time to keep up with the brin list, and once I've read everything, I have nothing better to do than type 9k emails. You'll notice the time stamp was just before 2:00 pm today.

And, sometimes I'm wordy, needlessly repeating myself, saying things over and over and over again in a fashion which is redundant and not necessary and which causes my statements to be long and have repetitive information which duplicates itself at length multiple times in ways that are relentless, interminable, and seemingly unceasing... ;-)

Reggie Bautista
Mojo Jojo Maru

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