Marvin wrote:
And TOS doesn't have holodeck episodes.

Ronn! replied:
One of the things which made it better than TNG, IMO.

I actually really liked two of the holodeck episodes. The first one was season one's "11001001", the episode with the aliens called Bynars who hijack the ship after making sure *almost* everyone is evacuated, except for a couple of people who they think should be able to reboot or reload their planetary computer system. I thought their plan was very clever, and I particularly loved the holodeck character they created to keep Riker busy, Minuet.

The other was "Elementary, Dear Data" from season two in which we are introduced to a holographic Moriarty. While I have a problem with the idea of the ship's computer being capable of programming such an intelligent AI, the rest of that episode is quite entertaining despite the fact that Dr. Pulaski is featured somewhat prominently. The sixth season followup "Ship in a Bottle" had a very _Matrix_y ending, but something about the story logic of that one bothered me too, although I can't remember exactly what.

I was never much of a fan of the Dixon Hill episodes (I liked the concept of the holonovel, but something about the Dixon Hill stories just never worked for me), but some of the other uses of the holodeck made sense to me (training, recreation of crime scenes, simulation of technical problems -- although I'm also not a big fan of the whole Leah Brahms thing).

Ronn!, given the amount of very convenient and very made-up tech on the show, is there anything in particular about the technology of the holodecks to which you object, or do you just not like the particular stories that were written around it?

Reggie Bautista

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