Bryon wrote:
Even though I wasn't enjoying it very much, I watched Voyager out of force of
(ST-watching) habit up until the (second season?) episode "Threshold", which was
the worst, most god-awful piece of rediculous crud I'd ever seen come out of the
ST franchise. Far worse than "Spock's Brain", IMHO.

Threshold = "Worst. Episode. Ever." Fortunately, they could only go up from there!

Bryon again:
IMHO, the network execs think ST fans are stupid and couldn't handle/appreciate
anything too complex/controversial/cutting edge/new. When DS9 ended, Ron Moore
moved on to Voyager, and he tried to make some changes and add new ideas, so they
booted him. I think those are the reasons why the ST franchise is dying. As you can
see, I'm a little bitter about the Star Trek franchise. It had/has the potential to be *so*
good, and yet I've been so constantly disappointed, that I've mostly given up.

And now it looks like the SciFi Channel is moving in the same direction. Tracker is *awful*. And don't get me started on Black Scorpion from a couple of years ago.

I wrote:
>Or did you in fact
> post that info?  It all blurs together after a while :-)

Bryon replied:
That was me that posted that. I noted the irony that CBS milked Roddenberry for
his ideas when they made Lost In Space, while Paramount milked JMS for ideas
when they made DS9.

Sorry for the misattribution.

Reggie Bautista

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