"J. van Baardwijk" wrote:
> At 23:16 1-3-2003 +0000, Jose Ortiz wrote:
> >Now, why is it that the writers of these novels always come up with better
> >plots than the average television episodes of Trek? The television writers
> >could learn a thing or two from the pros.
> My guess is that it has something to do with deadlines. The average novel
> writer doesn't have the "have it finished by Monday" deadline hanging over
> his head, so he has a lot more time to think about the plots. Further, as a
> novelist you can design the plot the way *you* want it, without having to
> rewrite it over and over again till about a dozen or so other people on the
> team all find the plot acceptable.

But writers still have deadlines.  Once you sign a contract to produce a
novel (or work of non-fiction) and have been given an advance, somewhere in
the contract there's something about a deadline in many cases.

But you *do* have more time than many TV scriptwriters....


who witnessed the insanity under which Teresa Patterson was working the
weekend before she had to have text for _The World of Shannara_ in the mail,
and which weekend coincided with a con at which she had a table to run, a
few panels to be on, and an art show to assist with

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