G. D. Akin wrote:
There is novel titled "Q-Squared" by Peter David (I think) where Q and
Trelane battle it out.  Not bad as far as Trek novels.

Jon replied:
I like his work. When it comes to Trek authors David is a rare gem, IMO, because each character speaks in their own established, realistic manner. He also gives Worf a subtle, ironic sense of humor. Gotta love a Klingon with a sense of humor. :)

Peter David is the same guy who wrote Imzadi, some great issues of Incredible Hulk, Captain Marvel, and SuperGirl (among other comic books), the Babylon 5 Centauri Prime Trilogy (from an outline by jms), and a couple of novelizations of Babylon 5 movies, and 2 episodes from B5's second season.

The first B5 episode is Soul Mates in which we meet Londo's wives, and Talia's old mentor Matthew Stoner shows up. The second one is called There All the Honor Lies which features Sheridan getting framed, Ivanova overseeing the new B5 giftshop (and saying, "This isn't some kind of Deep Space franchise, this place is *about* something")
and "one moment of perfect beauty."

PD also wrote the strangest werewolf novel I've ever read, called Howling Mad, which is about a wolf that gets bitten by a werewolf and turns human during every full moon. (And this was back in the 1980s, before WhiteWolf created their werewolf game that included a similar concept.)

Not a half-bad track record.

Reggie Bautista

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