Alberto wrote:
TNG is infected by that ridiculous Q.

JJ replied:
Hey, hey!! Don't mess with Q!!! :)

The idea of an omnipotent character is something that continually surfaces in Rodenberry's work. In TOS, it was Trelane, then Q. I found Trelane really annoying. But Q is a piece of work. I think John DeLancie plays it to perfection, and it provides a nice little foil for Picard.

And some ST fan(atic)s say that Trelane in The Squire of Gothos, was probably a young Q.

I think the writers of the show eventually realized what Alberto is saying, though. I guess that's why Q and the Q Continuum are presented in a more vulnerable fashion in one of Voyager's most memorable episodes, "DeathWish".

Excellent episode, probably one of my 10 favorite ST episodes of all time (well, at very least top 15 :-).

Reggie Bautista

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