From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is novel titled "Q-Squared" by Peter David (I think) where Q and Trelane battle it out. Not bad as far as Trek novels.

I seem to remember seeing a report from some STcon where they had both John de Lancie and William Campbell as GOHs and they were supposed to have done some kind of reading or skit to that effect.

Anyone else remember this? Or is this a perhaps a product of crossed neurons in the portion of my brain which was scrambled by that bicycle accident long ago?
-- Ronn! :)

No product of your imagination at all! The reading stands out in my memory as well. "Q-Squared" deals with Trelane as a member of the continuum. He finds a source of unspeakable power, therefore Q must recruit the help of Picard to battle it out.

Now, why is it that the writers of these novels always come up with better plots than the average television episodes of Trek? The television writers could learn a thing or two from the pros.

Going back to Q-Squared, the audiobook does not include William Campbell re-enacting his role of Trelane. :-(

If you want a seriously kickbutt audiobook performance, check out "Spock vs. Q". Now, THAT WAS SERIOUS TREK FUN. It was taped in front of a live audience, and both Nimoy and DeLancie deliver a memorable performance. The script is superb, btw.


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