"Miller, Jeffrey" wrote:

> :) I'm currently knee-deep in the Black Company series.. pulpy, gratuitous, but for 
> some reason, I can't stop reading 'em..

I loved the first 5 or so books in Cook's Black Company Series.  I really loved how 
many of the 'evil' characters were
actually portrayed in different shades of gray with their own motivations and 

After that, the series started to go downhill for me, and the last book especially 
seemed quite rushed in certain ways I
won't go into because of spoilers.  Overall, though, quite fun to read.

But speaking of pulpy and gratuitous - Anyone here read the Honor Harrington series 
books by David Weber?  I've
read about 6 so far (of 10) before I needed a hiatus.  The rest are part of my stack 
of 20 waiting-to-be-read books
(along with Kiln People and The Transparent Society, to tie this back to the Brin 



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