On Thursday, March 6, 2003, at 10:20 pm, Bryon Daly wrote:

But speaking of pulpy and gratuitous - Anyone here read the Honor Harrington series books by David Weber? I've
read about 6 so far (of 10) before I needed a hiatus. The rest are part of my stack of 20 waiting-to-be-read books
(along with Kiln People and The Transparent Society, to tie this back to the Brin list).

I've read them all. I think the last two could have done with some (more) editing. And I can't actually remember the plot of either of them, which wasn't the case for the first eight.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on.


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