"Chad Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    This was discussed by the US leadership (AFAIK), and I think that
    Saddam flatly refused allowing even one soldier in. Saddam even
    wanted strong restrictions placed upon the inspectors carrying

I don't follow you.  I am saying that the US leadership should have
directed 20000 of its soldiers to look in the 900 already specified
sites in April, after the collapse of the Saddam regime -- mostly to
exclude sites that lack content or obvious clues and to guard those
that seem dangerous to ordinary soldiers.

Obviously if more than 10 or 20 sites ended up needing guarding, then
more troops would be needed after the initial clearing out.  But I
don't think anyone thought that there would be more than 20 or so
dangerous sites.  

(Perhaps I am wrong about this.  Then my argument is that more troops
should have been put to an action that amounts to guarding the US
nation's capital, as well as Madrid, and Oslo, and London, and
Frankfurt, which is beside an important US air base -- this if Bush
was telling the truth as he saw it before the war.)

    Saddam had at least 40,000 loyal soldier to assist in any WMD
    project- whether to destroy, smuggle or to hide in the middle of
    the desert.  What would I do if I knew that 100,000 troops were
    going to storm the border to go after what I consider priceless
    (WMD). I'm gonna hide it in the desert.  ....

But how do we know that the US intelligence services actually found
one of the places in the desert?  Perhaps the CIA or one of the
cooperating intelligence services, such as the Israeli or French,
actually specified a valid location, among the other 699 that were

We don't know.

    Coming out of character here, I think we may very well see the
    Smoking gun after it has fired, ...

Yes, that is what to expect if Bush was not lying, if he spoke as a
President of the United States dedicated to protecting the American
people rather than as an incompetent elitist who pushed a lie but was
not smart enough to follow it through.  The question is: which is Bush
(and his administration)?

    ... If I was an evil dictator or an evil minion, I would make the
    world pay for this insult.

Yes, that was the fear expressed ahead of time.  The question is not
whether that fear is justified, but why that fear was not acted upon?

    Robert J. Chassell                         Rattlesnake Enterprises
    http://www.rattlesnake.com                  GnuPG Key ID: 004B4AC8
    http://www.teak.cc                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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