The June 5th issue of _Nature_ has an interesting article by Jared 
Diamond (_Guns, Germs and Steel_) on diabetes.  Here's their blurb: 

Feature of the week 
The double puzzle of diabetes
Why is the prevalence of type 2 diabetes now exploding in most
populations, but
not in Europeans? The genetic and evolutionary consequences of
differences in food history may provide the answer. 

        The article is free, but may require registration.  I
registered a few months ago, and signed up for a lot of emails
with article titles.  (It's a little tricky because you can't 
look at the full text of most articles without subscribing.  But
if I like the abstract, I can always go to the library and read
the articles there.)  Anyway, here's an URL which should work:

        I also have it as a .pdf file.  Email me offlist if you
want it.

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