----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: Where are the European hypocrites?

> Julia said:
> > The thing is, Texas has more to lose by leaving the US than it has to
> > gain, and most of us understand that. The parallel doesn't quite work.
> Okay, choose some other state. I was just trying to make people imagine
> how they might feel if a foreign Israel was set up in the Palestinian
> US. I'd imagine quite a lot of Americans would be rather upset about
> the whole thing, and try to expel it, and keep trying to do so for
> decades using whatever methods are available. Furthermore, many would
> continue trying to do so long after it became apparent that the
> destruction of the new state wasn't possible.

But, that's not quite fair, because that's not exactly what happened.
There has been a strong Jewish presence in the Middle East for years.
IIRC, Baghdad was about a third Jewish during the first part of the 19th
century, for example.

After the Dryfus affair, Zionism got its start.  By 1948, there were a
number of areas where Jews were in the majority.  Things were complicated
because GB promised Palestinian to both Jews and Arabs.  Things were also
complicated because, after WWII, many Jews did not think they had much of a
future in continental Europe and decided to walk to the Holy Land.

Given that, a reasonable 20th century American solution would be to have a
United States of Palestine, with states that had high concentrations of
Jews in some states and a high concentration of Arabs in another.  I think
the US is bad example, because the US is willingly becoming multi-ethnic,
when it could have stopped the trend many times.

Dan M.


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