At 06:24 PM 6/12/03 -0500, Dan Minette wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: Where are the European hypocrites?

> Dan said: > > > How about, over a period of years, the US is inundated by foreigners > > who look like they will drastically and permanently change the ethnic > > makeup of the US? No sci-fi needed. :-) > > Yes, but that's not really the same situation, is it?

It isn't the same situation for a number of reasons.  The Jews were there a
log time  because the Palestinains

Can you imagine a
> separate sovereign Hispanic state forming on the territory of the
> United States

That's not the same either.  Its more as if France ruled Texas, during
which time the Hispanic in Texas grew.  France promised all of Texas to
both the Anglos and the Hispanics.  At the last minute, a partition plan
based on majority population by county was developed.

Immediately, all of the the rest of the US went to the aid of the Anglos in
Texas, vastly ougunning and outmanning the Hispanics.  Somehow, the
Hispanics survived, and ended up with a part of Texas.  They were attacked
several more times; always outgunned and outmanned.  Finally, they grew
strong enough to have a military superiority over the much larger number of

The reality is that when Israel was granted independence, everyone expected
them to lose.  My understanding is that they would be expected to be
grateful to Western powers who intervened to stop total genocide when the
lost.  Instead they won, creating the present situation.

But of course that was just because of random chance and dumb luck, not because they had a better "imaginary friend" than the Arabs . . .

=;-)>-+—< 3—

-- Ronn! :)

Professional Smart-Aleck. Do Not Attempt.


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