At 09:53 AM 6/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Pensinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: WMD

> Deborah Harrell wrote: > > > <grin> > > I'm vocally left in certain areas, but I don't think > > too many liberals own guns or support (at least > > theoretically) the death penalty... > > Just to be persnickety and try to defy labeling. ;) > > > > Oh, I only mean left and right in a very general sense. Jan, for > instance just mentioned he was socially liberal but he has come off > quite hawkish as pertains to Iraq. Han seems very liberal but came down > in favor of handgun ownership too. > > I didn't mean to pigeon hole anyone or everyone into fixed categories, > in fact quite the opposite - I thought that the idea that brin-l was a > "liberal echo chamber" was way off base; that we're a rather diverse group. > > It has also got me wondering if Gautam thinks this list is liberal, what > he would think of the Culture list...

Where I am considered a right wing kook. :-)

Dan M.

You beat me to it Dan. You're considered a flaming right wing nut job on the culture. It was fun to see the same position get beat on from both ends on the two lists. Well, you were picking apart their arguments, while here yours were being picked at.

While I'm nowhere near the voice of reason, in fact I hate posts like these, I would like to ask what's been going on the last few days? Is it the weather? The fact that there are no good books or movies out? (I have not seen the matrix, not really planning to.) Just wondering how everyone is feeling.

This page was generated in 1999. Anyone know what it's about?

Oh, it's Adrian Hon. I've heard of him.

Kevin T. - VRWC


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