At 08:20 PM 6/14/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Gautam Mukunda wrote:
--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Where I am considered a right wing kook. :-)

Dan M.

But, as you yourself would say, by the standards of American politics, you're pretty far to the left. A simple breakdown. The country as a whole split essentially 50/50 Bush/Gore. What do you think the list split? I'd bet something like 25/75 Bush/Gore, and that's being generous.

The election was 2 1/2 years ago. Circumstances and the list have changed. I would guess that between 80-90% of the list were in favor of the invasion, and that at least half have a favorable opinion of Bush right now, though I'm guessing his popularity will continue to slip here and everywhere else.


Maybe you should define 'in favor of the invasion' because I'd have said 20-25%. (I'm defining 'in favor' as: going in NOW, no matter what...not waiting for the UN nor congress, unilateral with 30 nations....)

Popularity continue to slip....well again there's a fudge factor. I'm mad about some of the education things he supported, probably a few other things. But there is no one else I want to run for president, no one else I will vote for.* The only way he'd lose my vote would be to sign some gun restriction legislation. The assault weapon issue was off of my radar. I'm sure others feel that way, there is an issue or five they are mad about, but they would vote for him. And the converse: many who wouldn't vote for him no matter what he does.

*PA has a closed primary. I can only vote for candidates in my party in the primary. I was thinking of switching to dem to vote for Sharpton, if he was still running. But they are talking about finding a strong repub to run against Spector. Praise Tunare, I'd vote for anyone other than Spector. I'd vote for Teresa Heinz if she ran, no matter what party. Just get Spector out.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Wishing we could recall our governor


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