----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Minette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Catholicism Re: james ossuary a fake - scientists

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 7:40 PM
> Subject: Re: Catholicism Re: james ossuary a fake - scientists
> > >
> >
> > Not being argumentative, but making assumptions based on what I remember
> > being taught as a child, I have to ask if the authority of the Pope
> existed
> > pre-Constantine?
> No, not really. The Catholic church's understanding of the authority of
> pope has evolved. For example, the doctrine of Papel infallibility was a
> Vatican I document. The local kings had a lot of power in appointing
> bishops in the Middle Ages.
> > The assumption being that Peter was the first Pope and Popes led the
> Church
> > from day one.
> That is a rather old example of historical revisionism.  Instead of asking
> the question "what was the structure of the church during early times?"
> they already knew the answer and fit the history to the understanding.
> There is no real evidence that the Christian curch before Constantine
> submitted to the authority of the pope.
> Thinking about it, it makes sense that the bishop of Rome would be first
> among equals..given that the church now had the support of the empire.
> Further, it also makes sense that the Eastern church never really
> to the surpreme authority of the pope, even before the Eastern and Western
> split.

OK....... So they have these lists of Popes that span 2000 years, with dates
for their reigns and all. How does this fit in? Did these people actually
Did they have *any* real authority?
Of course, its been 30 or 35 years since I saw this information, and I don't
think I could remember *where* it was I saw it.

Answers Lead To Questions Maru


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