> Behalf Of David Hobby
> Sent: Friday, July 04, 2003 12:31 AM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: God, Religion, and Sports
> iaamoac wrote:
> > The very point I have been trying to make here is that intelligent
> > discussion of religion is simply not occuring from many of our
> > resident "atheists."  Rather every mention of religion has been
> > greated by flames - flames which have not been accompanied by even a
> > modicum of serious content.
> John--
>       Frankly, I do see many of your posts as trolling.  If you
> want a serious discussion, you have to try to meet others halfway.
> As I see it, you take an extreme position at the start, and then
> complain when you provoke a response.

Or, in my experience he simply ignores well-reasoned responses.  I'd
agree with your characterization.  What's interesting is he complains
about The Fool, who, imo, often does the same thing. 

>       If you want a serious discussion of religion, we should
> probably all agree to adopt an agnostic viewpoint for the duration.

Emulate the agnostics?  The atheists and agnostics on this list have
repeatedly shown an astonishing lack of tolerance for other people's
beliefs and faiths.  Are you suggesting that those of us who believe in
God therefore adopt an attitude similar to "the atheists' position is
dross because it isn't provable"?  Should we repeatedly insult and bait
those on the list who voice a belief that God does not exist?

> CTHULHU IS LORD!!!  (Now you say your god is best, and we have
> a flame war...)

Personally, I don't care if you believe in Lord Voldemort. :) 

I think this is about respect and tolerance for other people's faiths
and not about competition. 


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