On Thu, Jul 10, 2003 at 11:20:29AM -0600, Michael Harney wrote:

> On the topic of _/_ by Greg Bear, I may start another thread later
> about that book, but I wanted to ask, for those who have read more
> of Greg Bear's books if _/_ represented a One of Greg Bear's better
> books, was on par with most of his books, or were his other books
> superior?

I'd say "par". Are you aware that _Slash_ was a (loose) sequel to _Queen
of Angels_?

I'd recommend _Moving Mars_ and _Blood Music_ as his best
novels. Another good one is _Eon_.

He also has a less-SciFi'ish (fantasy) book, _Songs of Earth and Power_
that was pretty good.

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://www.erikreuter.net/

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