----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Harney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 12:20 PM
Subject: Reading lists.

> I know that this list was originally started as a list dedicated to
> discussion of specific authors and their books, so I thought I would bring
> up a topic that is closer to being actually on topic in the little time
> I have to compose email today (at least part of the reason that I haven't
> replied to other threads).
> I have been reading more than usual recently.  Mostly because the air
> conditioner I have in my room sucks, so leaving my computer on all day
> the room intollerably hot on days when the air conditioner is not working
> the way it should.  It started with reading _Dragonseye_ by Anne McCaffrey
> (one of the Pern novels).  That was followed by reading _Do Androids Dream
> of Electric Sheep_ by Phillip K. Dick.  After that I read _/_ by Greg
> I am currently reading _Expendable_ by James Alan Gardner.

Gardner is a quite good journeyman writer. Expendable is pretty good, but
its sequels are even more fun.

Read Them All Maru


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