Shame on everyone
>involved.  Shame on the Administration for not
>defending itself better, and even more on those who
>slander it for their own partisan advantage or sheer malice.

You neglected to mention the Iraqi opposition's employment of "Bush's Lie"
to discredit U.S. Army efforts in Iraq today. This may directly lead to more
deaths of Americans, as Iraqi insurgency may increase as a result of a lack
of trust of the US president and the war effort of the U.S., because of the

We all know that the democrats will use this to their advantage. We
understand it as partisan politics. But how can the Arab world know the
truth from political slander?

from http://www.msnbc.com/news/870749.asp?vts=071720031150

"The speaker also called for a jihad, or holy war, against the American-led
administration and accused President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony
Blair of tricking their own people to justify the war in Iraq.

"What will they say to their people and to mankind. What will the chorus of
lies say to those that backed them?" said the voice. Bush and Blair have
come under increasing criticism at home over some of the intelligence used
in the runup to the war."
How can one argue with this statement? Who wants to be known as someone who
is duped by a liar? What would you do, if the tables were reversed, and we,
as Americans, were just freed from a tyranny? I expect we would not want to
politically support a "liar".

Oh well... the damage is already done.

Nerd From Hell

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