----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gautam Mukunda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 7:34 PM
Subject: RE: Seth Finkelstein on 16 words

>  Lots of
> lies.  Of course, Bob, they were all on your side of
> the political fence, but I won't hold that against
> you.

The expanses are quite broad on both sides of the fence.

The small minded penchant for pigeonholing, a divisive tactic lately
popularised by the likes of Limbaugh for example among party faithful types,
and aimed at the ignorant who might find it convincing, seems to have crept
into your rhetoric.
I would find your already persuasive arguments much more effective if I were
not continually distracted by what appears to be condescension that borders
on the insulting. Even though it is not directed toward me, and is often
directed towards those I disagree with, I still find it a distraction.

When I read this type of disputation I sometimes wonder if the point of an
argument is to convince or inform of hash out the truth, or if it is simply
a mechanism to perpetuate "arguing".

The Politics Of Online Disputation Maru


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