--- Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or perhaps someone a little more inclined to agree
> with Gautam could
> point out that there *is* a condescending tone in
> many posts addressed
> to someone who disagrees with him, and that this
> bothers that person and
> is, frankly, off-putting, and undermines the
> *merits* of his arguments
> with a negative *emotional* reaction.
> Just a thought.
>       Julia

Well, I am sorry about that.  This is an issue that is
striking a little close to the heart, though.  There
is a pervasive dishonesty that has crept into this
issue where we have people actively crippling American
war efforts for short-term partisan advantage - and a
bunch of very bright people on the list who buy that
wholesale.  There is something rotten in the state of
the Democratic party leadership, you might say, and
the least I expect from people here is to call it.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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