--- David Hobby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       What I believe?  That things are usually not all
> black or
> white.  

You know, David, that line seems most often deployed
as a way of suspending moral judgment.  Some things
_are_ black and white, and saying that they aren't is
just an excuse for not doing something about them.

>I believe that Hussein did have some
> remnants of a weapons
> program that was against the Geneva Convention.  And
> I believe that
> he was not eager to open his country up to thorough
> inspections.
>       On the other hand, there don't seem to be large
> stockpiles
> of WMDs, do there?  I'm not sure that Hussein
> believed that allowing
> unfettered inspections WOULD save him.  (I'm not
> sure that I believe
> it--for all I know the US would have seized on some
> other pretext
> to attack.)  

Even if this were true, would that have been such a
bad thing?

> We also know that his judgment is not
> always sound,
> and that his ego is large.  Given all this, it's not
> clear from his
> actions that he did have actual WMDs.
>                                       ---David

Well, he _did_ have them in 1998, according to the
inspectors.  If it's not clear that he did have them,
what happened to them in the interveing period?
> > 
> > Now that's pretty astonishing.
>       (And please stop these little digs at the end.  If
> you'll
> look back at my post, I managed to refrain.  I even
> called the 
> US President "Mr. Bush", which took great
> forbearance.)

If it takes you great forbearance to display that
minimal amount of respect to the President in wartime,
then I'm not the one who needs to get some
perspective, David. 

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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