--- "Robert J. Chassell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unfortunately, your statement comes across as
> similar to those who
> defended President Clinton after he talked about
> sex, except in this
> case, a war resulted.
> -- 
>     Robert J. Chassell                        

Except, the British still believe that the statement
was true.  The British government has repeated, on
many occassions, that it still believes that Iraq was
doing exactly what Bush and Blair said it was doing in

Furthermore, Bob, you're much too smart to believe
something as dumb as that the world of intelligence is
quite as clear as whether Bill Clinton had sex with
Monica Lewinsky.  The most harsh interpretation fo the
facts available is that the Administration honestly
made a claim that has now been called into question. 
Not proven false, just called into question.  The most
plausible interpretation of the facts available is
that the Administration made a claim that is still
supported by the preponderance of the evidence.  There
is _no_ plausible interpretation of the facts which
holds that the Adminstration lied or sought to lie. 
Anyone who argues that is either themselves a liar or
a dupe.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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