From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Gautam Mukunda
> What's it's really about, though, is hate.  Well, hate
> and envy.  A large portion of the world's left just
> goes batshit crazy at the idea of George Bush.  So
> much so that no one, nothing, is more important than
> beating him.  Defending a sociopathic dictator?  No
> problem, as long as it hurts George Bush.

Big government motivated by hatred? Social programs based on hate? Unions
based on hate? Bleeding-heart hatred? I'm all confused -- I can't seem to
wedge a psychology of hatred into the usual stereotypes. Gimme a good
old-fashioned Hitler and I can see plenty of hatred, but he wasn't a leftie,
unless he went so far that he circled back around.

Believe it or not, hatred is present on both political sides. Here's a small tidbit:
Doesn't a part of you wish that Queasy and Duh-day were alive?

I'll admit they're scum and rightfully so, but anything that lands as even more humiliation on W's grotesque shrivelled face is that much the better.

It's sad, really, that as despicable as they are, Saddam's family seems to be the lesser of two evils when you compare them to the wretched little bastard* occupying the White House and destroying America in the process...

> I spent the year
> after the attacks in Cambridge - a place where the
> left would generate something coherent if it was
> capable of it _anywhere_ - and it didn't, and isn't.

Setting aside sarcasm now... I think that you may be mistake in *expecting*
the left to come up with a coherent war plan against terrorism. That's like
turning to the Dali Lama to head your SWAT team... or asking the Joint
Chiefs to run social programs.

Do you really think that the left is necessarily incapable of defending this country from threats like terrorism? Must the Democrats now be the Peacenik Party? I certainly hope not! What happened to the Democratic party of FDR, Truman, and JFK? I fear that the democrats have begun largely catering to their vocal far-left element, which ends up pushing the moderate left (of which I somewhat consider myself) into the republican camp if they're concerned about terrorism and WMD.

The left is defunct only if we remain forever in a state of total war.  And
that's precisely why a vaguely defined, open-ended "war on terrorism" that
suspends normal checks and balances for civil rights is as partisan as any
policy ever has been.

If the left was to ease up on all the "The evils of the US are the root cause of 9/11, we only have ourselves to blame" rhetoric and start proposing (alternate) solutions rather than just attacking Bush's plans, the left wouldn't be defunct at all, and we'd actually have national dialog about how best to procede from here, rather than political sour grapes. Wouldn't that be better for everyone?

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