At 11:35 AM 7/24/2003 -0400 Jon Gabriel wrote:
>But by your logic, shouldn't we therefore expect that the administration's 
>next target will be the Saudis?  There's plenty of evidence that they have 
>harbored, supported and trained terrorists whose sole goal is American 
>Why do you think we ignoring them?  Do you think that's a wise choice?

1) I do not think we are ignoring them.   I think that there are many
pressures being applied to the Saudi regime already.

2) Doing anything about Saudi Arabia was a logistical impossibility so long
as Saddam Hussein was in power in Iraq.    

3) I think that the United States is a republic, and currently I can hardly
imagine the republic supporting an overt attack on Saudi Arabia based on
the only circumstantial evidence we currently have publicly available
implicating the regime, its past fairly friendly relations with the US, its
control of significant portions of the world's oil supply, the very likely
backlash in the Muslim and Arab worlds from occupying Mecca and Medina, the
likely world outcry against such an attack, and the general reluctantance
to go to war without a direct attack and the exhaustion of alternatives.

Your argument is the classic moral fallacy that because I donate $1 to feed
one poor person in Dominica, I must donate $1 to feed every poor person
everywhere.   Sorry, but no dice.   There were about 10 solid reasons for
attacking Iraq directly.   There are scant few for attacking Saudi Arabia
directly right now.

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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