But of course this statement was carefully crafted. The CIA could not confirm the allegation so the speech writers found language that the CIA could "live with". So this was not simply a statement of fact. The speech writer came up with a phrase that would shield the administration from accusations of lying.

For a statement that you think was so carefully crafted to shield the administration from accusations of lies, I'd have to say that it had to be a pretty damn incompetent job of "careful crafting", given the headlines of the past 1-2 weeks! Seriously, if the admin actually was trying to craft a believable lie that would not blow up in their faces, don't you think they'd do a better job of it, and have all their ducks lined up, i's dotted, t's crossed, etc.? Isn't it more likely they just chose to relay the actual, real British intelligence (despite the lack of confirmation from US intel), just as they claim? Is that so hard to believe? Bill Clinton believes them, and I think he'd have a heck of a lot of insight into the situation.

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