> Behalf Of William T Goodall
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:14 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Windo$e
> On Tuesday, July 29, 2003, at 01:08  am, Reggie Bautista wrote:
> > Jon wrote:
> >> It seems horrifically high.  I suspect that it's a combination of
> >> lack of maintenance and ID10T errors.  I use tons of programs,
> >> usually simultaneously on my Windows machine and don't have
> >> but I keep them maintained, too.
> >
> > There are two computers at home, both with Windows ME, that are
> > primary my responsibility to keep up.  I do the same maintenance on
> > both of them, run the same software, and use them both about
> > They have the same virus definitions, same Windows updates, same
> > version of the Opera web browser, same games, same everything.  One
> > them crashes maybe once every couple of months.  With the other one,
> > I'm lucky if it doesn't crash at least once a day.  The only
> > difference between them is that they have different models of mouse.
> >
> > I don't think the difference can be written off to ID10T errors in
> > this case (I don't think my IQ changes *that* much when I move from
> > machine to machine :-), or lack of maintenance.  It's certainly
> > possible that one of them has a piece of faulty hardware somewhere,
> > but they've both reacted the same to every diag that I know how to
> > throw at them.
> >
> > Reggie Bautista
> The most unreliable OS I had running until recently was the OS on my
> Vigor 2600We ADSL
> modem-router-firewall-wireless-basestation-kitchen-sink gadget
> http://www.adslguide.org.uk/hardware/reviews/2002/q4/vigor2600we.asp
> which used to lock up every 10 to 14 days, requiring a reboot. I
> upgraded the firmware a couple of months ago and it hasn't misbehaved
> since. Upgradeable firmware is good :)

Upgradeable firmware rocks. :)

> The Linksys WET11 I use to connect the G3 server to the network never
> crashes - but it doesn't do anything very complicated so it doesn't
> have any excuses.

I loathe Linksys.  I seriously hope that WET11 never breaks William.
Our 5 month-old Linksys 4-port router broke a few weeks ago.  Before
that it required a restart every Monday morning like clockwork.

Called tech support to get an RMA number.  Figured that I'd send it back
to the company and get a replacement because it was definitely broken.
No lights and it wasn't routing anything anywhere. AND it was still
under warranty.  There should have been no problem.  It all seemed so
simple when I started. 

It seems Linksys has moved their toll-free tech support hotline.  You
now get India.  Yes, *India*.  And no one in the department has ever
heard of a Mac, nor do they know how to diagnose a router when it's
hooked up to one.  Five minutes of "Do Macs run Linux?  We don't support
that".  Tech Guy Supervisor actually suggested I find a Windows computer
to hook it up to so we could confirm it was broken. 

I called D-Link before I bought our new router to find out where their
tech support staff was located: California.  And they support Macs. It's
been running without a hitch for a few weeks now and we've never had a

> The G3 runs Apache, MySQL, PHP, the brin-l chat. It hasn't actually
> been up longer than about 90 days (24/7) at a stretch because of
> software updates or having to cut off the power for electrical work.
> My HP calculator has never crashed, although there are instructions in
> the manual for resetting it should that happen :)
> Pity about HP...

What about them?


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