From: William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windo$e
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 23:05:49 +0100

On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 07:22 pm, Andrew Crystall wrote:

On 28 Jul 2003 at 19:17, William T Goodall wrote:

But the user shouldn't be able to make the OS crash, however much of an ID10T they are.

Then you have to strictly limit what they can do.

Not really.

I can't stand OS's
which nanny me.

I'd rather be 'nannied' than have the freedom to crash the OS just by running a buggy bit of user-level software.

Spoken like someone who doesn't tweak his own interface. :)

Also, you have to only run approved programs...


Nothing one can install without an admin password is capable of crashing any serious OS.

Heh. Ironic.

I guess OS X 10.2.6 is out then. Co-workers clean-installed the latest version of Safari on three relatively new iMacs today and after a restart it crashed all three of them. We'd never seen a panic-crash before. Tech support is here now trying to get the computers to boot up in OSX. Hopefully we'll have them running tomorrow.

And it's not even a third-party application. :)


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