Someone wrote:
> S
> P
> O
> I
> L
> E
> R
> S
> P
> A
> C
> E
> Just because Dolores' motives for her actions were not of the "slay everyone
> and take over the world" variety does not mean she's not a villain.  Evil
> doesn't have to wear a black cape and cackle maliciously in order to be evil. 
> I found her brand of banal self-centeredness far more chilling than
> Voldemort's megalomania.
> Additionally, her willingness to use the Dark Arts (the scarring pen, for
> exanmple) and to extract information with the Cruciatus Curse shows her true
> colors.

Tom replied:
I think she's an interesting case for Rowling, whose villains usually seem to
be kind of Johnny One-Notes. She and Fudge are well-intentioned but so
wrong-headed as to be all but villains. However, they aren't. They are in between,
which makes a nice change for Rowling.

I definitely see Fudge as well-intentioned but wrong-headed (or just plain stubborn), but Umbridge seems much more... well, she seems a lot like Cruella DeVille to me, actually :-)

Reggie Bautista
Disney-R-Us Maru

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