> S
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> Just because Dolores' motives for her actions were not of the "slay everyone
> and take over the world" variety does not mean she's not a villain.  Evil
> doesn't have to wear a black cape and cackle maliciously in order to be evil. 
> I found her brand of banal self-centeredness far more chilling than
> Voldemort's megalomania.
> Additionally, her willingness to use the Dark Arts (the scarring pen, for
> exanmple) and to extract information with the Cruciatus Curse shows her true
> colors.

The thing that everyone seemed to overlook about Umbridge is that she actually tried to *kill* Harry, by sending the Dementors after him. I would think this murder attempt would be treated as a much more serious crime than it was.

I think she's an interesting case for Rowling, whose villains usually seem to
be kind of Johnny One-Notes. She and Fudge are well-intentioned but so
wrong-headed as to be all but villains. However, they aren't. They are in between,

I'd classify Umbidge completely in the villain category, since given the murder attempt, I'd have to rule out "well-intentioned".

which makes a nice change for Rowling. I mean, Draco Malfoy - how is he fooling
anyone? Why does Snape, who clearly abhors Voldemort and all the Death

I get the feeling that while Draco is certainly a sympathizer, he is not (yet) directly involved with Voldemort, so there's really nothing that can be done to him. His father's weath and connections probably will continue to ensure support for him from his Slytherin buddies.

About Snape: does anyone else think Snape's failure to train Harry was a betrayal of Dumbledore's request? Given the stakes involved, and the fact that it left Harry wide open to Voldemort's plot, Dumbledore should have definitely had some serious words for Snape about that...

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