At 11:07 AM 8/11/03 -0700, Doug Pensinger wrote:
Jan Coffey wrote:

The simple truth is that without conceled carry, the only ones with guns are
the criminals.

You see, that's a false statement. Other people, have guns, most of them aren't packing, but they do have them. And still others are permitted to carry concealed weapons

I think what he is saying is "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

IOW, if owning a firearm or carrying one on your person or in your car is prohibited by law, then by definition any otherwise law-abiding citizen who has a firearm or carries his firearm with him is now de jure a criminal. If the penalties for illegal possession of a firearm are severe enough, most law-abiding citizens who have too much to lose (job, family, reputation, etc.) by being convicted of a crime, fined heavily, and/or imprisoned will decide not to possess a firearm. Criminals, however, who have already made the decision to risk conviction, fines, and imprisonment because they think the rewards (your money, basically) are worth the risk will see little additional risk to their lifestyle in possessing a firearm, particularly when they can use that firearm to threaten their victims who they know will not have firearms available to defend themselves.

-- Ronn! :)


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