--- Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FWIW, if anyone knows where I can get a _Star Trek_-type phaser with a 
> "stun" setting which will instantly stop anyone without causing permanent 
> damage, I'd love to get one in preference to a firearm.  Unfortunately, 
> currently available less-than-lethal weapons are not always effective—some 
> people can still get up after being shot with a taser, and some people are 
> naturally immune to pepper spray—which means that when someone is coming at

Likewise, only I might prefer the "Zat" from SG1. 

The ability to use Lethal Force if the situation warranted. The certainty
that if you get hit again within a few minutes that you will die could really
put a perpetrator down after the first shot. If he or she knows that getting
hit a second time is lethal, they would be more inclined to simply give up. 

In addition, the Zat does not ~have~ a "kill" setting thus illuminating
accidental death. If the Zat kills then you shot the target more than once.

If all the effort put into gun control was redirected to the development of a
weapon which shares all Effective Use Cases with a "Zat", that energy would
be more constructively spent.

               Jan William Coffey

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