--- Jan Coffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > --- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > <snippage> 
> > > > 
> > > > Both women and men have been surveyed and
> about 1 in 4 women have been the victim of a sexual
> assult, and about 1 in 7 men.
> > > > 
> > > > Now, this is slightly old data, and I wouldn't
>be shocked if its down to 1 in 5 women or 1 in 10

<snipped story of young man arrested for urinating
outdoors (FWIW, this should NOT have been a "sexual
assault" case IMO)> 

>  If these
> numbers you are using include cases like my friends
> then the numbers are rediculous.

No.  Among my friends, the assaulters were:
neighbor (middle-aged man, repeat offender)-> children
neighbor (old man, repeat offender) -> children
father (full adult) -> son (child)
husband -> wife [now ex] (both adults)
date (adult man) -> adult woman
brother (late teen) -> sister (pre-pubescent)
mother (adult) -> daughter (pre-pubescent)

I personally don't count kids "playing doctor" as
assault, unless a child was forced (which does happen,
but I have no idea of the stats on that).

So among my sample, 5 out of 7 perpetrators were full
adult males (meaning men over 25 yo); one was an adult
woman (vicious, repeat offenses - FWIW, in my opinion
she deserved death or permanent incarceration for what
she did; there truly are men and women who do not
deserve to *ever* have access to children or animals).


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