William T Goodall wrote:
> On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 09:26  pm, Jan Coffey wrote:
> > Besides, if the numbers are so greate, wouldn't it seem wise for
> > possible
> > victems to carry a leathal weapon?
> Maybe I'm odd, but the idea that little children packing deadly force
> (would that be a machine gun or what) could improve anything doesn't
> seem plausible. And what if their younger sibling wanted to borrow the
> gun...

Given my previous post on the subject, plus having almost been burned by
a 3-year-old that some idiot parent handed a sparkler to on July 4 in a
park, I'd have to agree.  (If I ever have any sort of July 4 party on my
property that includes any sort of fireworks, I'm going to let everyone
know in advance that handing any child under 6 a lit sparkler, or
anything else lit, for that matter, will lead to *immediate* expulsion
from the premises.)


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