--- Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Jan Coffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As Spock would say when confronted in such a way,
> > ...Indeed.
> > 
> > He did, however, sound to me like one of many
> > "Everyone who isn't a staunch
> > conservative is out to get the Jews" kind of
> > thinker. If he can come off that
> > way to someone such as myself then he definitely
> > needs to back up his claims
> > that Marx was an anti-Semite. 
> Have you _read_ "On the Jewish Question?"  William and
> I have discussed it briefly, and I've talked about it
> considerably more with someone else on the list. 
> William described it as a defense against Bruno Bauer.
>  As Prof. Mansfield pointed out when lecturing on the
> book, Marx's problem with Bauer was that Bauer _did
> not go far enough_.  

Wasn't Marx a Jew ethnicaly?

Were his statments about the Jewish religion and not the Jewish people?

Doesn't Marx speak poorly about nearly all religions?

I admit I have not read all of "On the Jewish Question" but from skimming it
and reading the first bit it does not seem to speak of Jews as an ethnic
group but as a religious group. It does not seem to suggest any opression of
that religious group. Granted I have not read all of it.

Do you consider someone who disaproves of a religion to be a racesist? Are
the two not distict and seperate?

Can one not for instance disaprove of Islam while at the same time have
nothing at all against arabs? Or disaprove of Christianity while not having a
promlem with Aglos, or Disaprove of Budhism while having nothing at all
against Asians?

Does any Jew hate East Indians becouse of the apparent idol worship in

Would a Protistant in Northern Iserland hate me simply becouse my last name
is Coffey? 

I must read the whole thing, but from what I can tell, it seems that you are
mixing concepts. While Marx clearly had issues with all religions, he does
not seem to have issue with any ethnic group, and therefore classifying him
as an anti-semite seems dogmatic in the context of the converstation we were

Granted Marx had did have a bunch of whack ideas, but hate for any particular
racial group doesn't seem to be one of them.

Since you are so versed in the document, why don't you point out where he
specifies anything to the contrary.

               Jan William Coffey

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