--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An interesting aside to this is a conversation I had with an atheist friend
> of mine during a long drive at the end of a business trip.  He pointed out
> that the conflict between evolution and fundamentalism didn't really start
> until the 20s.  At that time, Social Darwinism was raising its ugly head;
> and folks took notice.  The real fight was between fundamentalists and
> folks who held a nonsensical extrapolation from a reasonable (albeit rather
> general at the time) scientific theory.


Tom Beck wrot:
>> And neither of us would call Marxism a religion. I would call
>> Marxism-Leninism/Stalinism the official state (pseudo) religion of the
>> former USSR though... and it was evil, EVIL I say!

>Please leave Marx out of it. He died in 1883 (34 years before the Russian 
>Revolution), he never expected (nor would he have approved) Communism to
>first to an agrarian, largely pre-industrial country like Russia, and he
>have been appalled, infuriated, outraged, disgusted, shocked and in every
>possible way rejected everything Lenin and Stalin and their successors did
>the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere.

And then there was some other rambelings by someone who clearly has not
studied Marx, and instead has listened to some bs from some dogmatic group.


This happens all the time. While in a conversation about the movie Starship
Troopers, an associate stated that it was unfortunate that the uniforms
looked so much like Nazi uniforms. I then stated that it wasn't unfortunate
at all, that Nazi's definatly had good tailors and fashion designers, and
that their uniforms looked really cool. 

I spent what must have been 3 weeks trying to get the group to see the
difference between that statment and believing that the Nazis were the good
guys. I still think they think I am a fasciest.

It remids me of getting excpelled in high school for choosing Edelwiss as my
chior solo. A group of jewish parents couldn't sperate the idea of a great
song from a greate movie with some political meaning. 

People make generalizations, they make associations and combinations, and
then they assume that this combination and association is allways true. 

People need to wake up from this, not doing so is allowing your mind to be
controled by someone with some agenda.

               Jan William Coffey

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