----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jan Coffey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: Dogmatism

> --- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Jan Coffey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 1:37 PM
> > Subject: Re: Dogmatism
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > And then there was some other rambelings by someone who clearly has
> > > studied Marx, and instead has listened to some bs from some dogmatic
> > group.
> >
> > Out of curiosity, who taught the Marxism class that you took, Jan?
> I do not remember his name. The class was on world history and political
> systems. We spent 3 weeks on Marxism/communism, 3 on fascism, the other
10 on
> other various systems inclusing several forms of capitalist democracy.
> Why do you ask?

Because, as far as I can tell, you took a swipe at Gautam's education in
the field.   He received a degree in government from Harvard, with a
specialization in international affairs. His thesis advisor was Stanley
Hoffman, who is one of the two or three most accomplished liberal thinkers
in international relations. He Marxism professor was Harvey Mansfield, who
is considered the foremost conservative political philosopher.

Gautam also worked at the John F. Kennedy school of government at Harvard,
specializing in Russian affairs.

I know that Dr. Hoffman thought very well of Gautam's work, even though
he's liberal and Gautam's conservative.  Its hard to fathom anyone having
such a favorable impression of someone who is ignorant and dogmatic in
opposition to one's own beliefs.  Gaining such a favorable review from one
of the most respected writers who disagrees with you typically indicates
real talent.

Given that, I was very curious to see what gave you the bases for
dismissing very well respected Harvard professors out of hand.  With all
due respect, I do not believe that having taken a survey course from
someone who's name you cannot remember is sufficient basis for such

That doesn't mean that you need to lie down and play dead if Gautam writes
something you disagree with.  I don't have a Harvard education in political
science, and I'm more than willing to take him on, as the archives of
brin-l over the last 5+ years should show.  However, in our disagreements,
I know that Gautam is a very reasonable person who just happens to be wrong
on a particular issue. :-)

As an aside, what I'd really like to see is Gautam and Ritu go at it over
international affairs.  Both are very articulate debaters who tend to
appreciate the subtleties of a problem. They have fascinating
similarities/differences in background as an Indian and as a second
generation American of Indian decent.  Further, neither tends to devolve
into a polemic arguments when debating ideas.

Dan M.

** If it wasn't Gautam you were dissing, I've misunderstood your post.
But, I looked at who replied to Tom before you did and his post was the
only one I saw.


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