> Fool, let me suggest something.  Learn a tiny little
> bit about a topic before you make comments like this.
> > Because the world faced fascism once, and we want to
> > prevent it from ever
> > happening again.
> Yes, 6 million dead Jews is definitely the same thing
> as Retirement Savings Accounts.  Do you have any idea
> how stupid and offensive that sort of comparison is?

Sorry your crossing conceptual lines!....again.

Facism and Raceism are two completly seperate things. Your comparison 
is the one that seems stupid, and actual quite offensive.

You have associated facism with racism. It would be equaly valid to 
make the same accociation of German Nationality and Genocide.

As long as you insist on bluring your conceptiual lines, I, and many 
others I am sure, have trouble taking anything you say seriously.

And once again, I do know who you are, what your credentials are, and 
that proves nothing to me, but that you are fully aware of what you 
are doing.

This conceptual bluring is my bigest pet peve and I will not let it 
stand when I see it. It's not really personal,,, except that you keep 
doing it, and I keep pointing it out.


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