So many issues, so little time.

What boggles me is that political "my side" myopia
blinds folks to simple, basic pattern recognition.

Like that way immigration is handled.  Both Bushes
totally reamed the Border Patrol, for example.  Did
you know that?  Under both administrations, border
patrolling plummetted.  Bill Clinton DOUBLED the
number of guards at the borders.  If you think, really
think, you can grasp why.

As for George Soros, it's easy to demonify, but I'll
match his record at philanthopy against W's pals. 
Soros went into eastern europe and spent billions
stabilizing and helping places like Poland, which are
now total bulwark allies.  He may be a crackpot, but
he knows our only chance is a worldwide open society.

Oh but the richest thing is calling the free flying
lessons and cool macho flight suits that W got in the
Air Guard 'brave service." That wwas after bribing
profs and hiring nerds' papers to get the C-, right? 
But before dad's pals bought him a baseball team?

Oh, and today Condi Rice as much as said "we
deliberately exaggerated."

* Please note.  My email address of many years is changing FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] TO 

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