From: Erik Reuter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 03:38:32PM -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:

>> You know, I'm a little touchy about this right now.  Maybe I shouldn't
>> be, but I am.

>Funny, the comment didn't even register on me. Most of it is because I
>don't pay a lot of attention to Jane's posts anyway since the S/N is so
>low, but also, what a ludicrous thing for a person who has never met
>me to write.
Erik, I am a little confused. On the one hand you are persuasively arguing
the case for an enlightened and socially progressive approach to SSM.
Then on the other hand, you are calling Jan "Jane", like its somehow  sub-optimal
to be a women. Do you really think women are somehow less than men, and that
suggesting someone is a bit girlie is actually an insult?
The fat thing was uncalled for, I agree, and I confess, its kinda amusing to watch
you two poke your tounges at each other, but I would rather read yours and Jans
thoughts on something a little more intellectual. You both seem to have something
to offer.

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