At 05:08 PM 11/3/2004 -0800 kerri miller wrote:
>> Meanwhile, Kerry spoke consistently of a "global test",
>I only heard it once from him... but endlessly from people on the Right who
>willfully misunderstood or misrepresented what he said.

While the specific words "global test" were only used the once, I think it
was clear that John Kerry was proposing that international opinion would be
a key component of his decision on whether or not to approve American use
of force as President.

To put it another way, on the scale of approving American use of force, it
was clear that George Bush was close to the unilateral end of the spectrum,
and that Kerry was very close to the international approval end of the

>> 2) Values/Personality
>> 3) Gay Marriage 
>Thanks for denying me and my girlfriend equal treatment, John. I appreciate

Well, so far I have denied nothing, since I did not live in one of those 11
states with ballot initiatives.   Furthermore, I don't think that the above
is exactly a fair characterization of my position, considering that I
stated that I would probably have voted against at least one of those

JDG - "Massachusetts Supreme Court Justices for Bush", Maru..... ;-)


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