* Erik Reuter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Productivity data is from:
>    http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/OPHPBS/2/Max
> You can see a graph of productivity growth here:
>    http://erikreuter.net/econ/ophpbs.png   
> *I did not include years 1953, 1961, 1969, 1977, 1981, 1993, or 2001 in
> the calculation of average annualized productivity growth for obvious
> reasons.

I've added some more economic variables to the calculation. All data
is from the St. Louis Fed website given above, covers the period
1947-2004 but does not include the years given above. All data are
average annualized growth rate in percent, and all numbers are "real"
inflation-corrected numbers.

Rep  Dem  Statistic
4.7  7.2  Non-residential Investment
0.9  1.7  Hours worked business sector
1.7  1.6  Civilian Workforce
1.2  1.3  Population
3.4  4.6  Output business sector
2.5  2.8  Output per Hour business sector
3.2  4.0  Disposable Personal Income
2.5  4.8  Compensation, wages and salaries
3.2  4.3  Real GDP
2.0  2.9  Real GDP per capita
3.6  3.3  Inflation (personal consumption expenditure)

In addition to the Democrats doing better than the Republicans across
the board, two things are worth mentioning:

* Investment grew significantly faster under Democratic presidential
terms than Republican. This argues against the idea that the Democrats
are getting credit for long-term improvements made during Republican
terms. If investment pays dividends many years down the road, then it
would actually be the Republicans who would be getting "unfair" credit
from the Democrat's rapidly increasing investment.

* Hours worked increased faster than the civilian workforce under
Democrats, but hours worked lagged growth in the civilian workforce
under Republicans. Democratic policies seem to make better use of the
available workforce.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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