On Jan 26, 2008, at 12:58 AM, Curtis Burisch wrote:

>>> Better idea - remove tax exemptions and other special benefits for
>>> religions and quasi-religious organistions, with the exception of
>>> charitable ventures (which must be purely charitable subsidiaries of
>>> or wholly separate ventures).
>> And only those over twenty-one should be allowed access to churches/
>> temples/ashrams/mosques/synagogues and other places where the evil
>> nonsense of religion is purveyed or to the vile corrupting texts of
>> religion.
> Now there's a great idea! And, how about displaying a health warning
> outside churches/temples/etc., like the warnings on cigarette packets?

Unfortunately for this plan, as I seem to recall having seen discussed
here recently, presence of religious faith has been shown to have
beneficial health effects. I am far too lazy to look it up for you.

> Someone tell me what the story is with Maru?

Here's a link to an answer given on this list in October:


It has to do with Japanese ship names and some sort of friendly rivalry
between this and the "Culture" mailing list.



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