On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:

> At 09:20 PM Saturday 1/26/2008, Julia Thompson wrote:
>> Any mailing list that you can shoot a quick, "Hey, this happened, should I
>> go to the ER?" to and get constructive answers is probably going to have
>> at least a minimal health benefit.  Also being on a local mailing list
>> with lots of people who have had both good and bad experiences with
>> various doctors will help a lot in selecting a GP or a specialist or a
>> dentist or whatever.  (Anyone in or near Round Rock, TX wanting plastic
>> surgery, I can make a recommendation for the surgeon....)
>> (And, the concensus as to whether or not to go to the ER with a potential
>> broken toe is, "If you want prescription painkillers, sure, but there's
>> not a whole heck of a lot they'll actually *do* for you."  So, I'm going
>> to wait until Monday and see how bad it is then, and if it's really bad,
>> call my GP and get a recommendation from *her* as to what to do.)
>>         Julia
> Okay, I think there is a story there waiting to be told.  (Possibly
> two, if you include how you came to be able to recommend a plastic
> surgeon in Round Rock, TX . . . )

1)  Whacked my toe yesterday morning, hurt like the dickens, wasn't sure I 
should try to get X-rays or anything (and I didn't want to, truth be 
told), so I asked a mailing list and the consensus was what I wrote above. 
Decided not to go, toe still hurts, but not as badly, and it's all kinds 
of pretty colors on the top, but looks fine on the bottom.  (OK, maybe not 
"all kinds" of pretty colors, but there are 3 distinct ones in the 
blue-purple range.)

2)  http://www.zurg.net/julia/ljstuff/pregbelly1.jpg
My abs separated.  Needed to get that (and a resulting hernia) fixed.  The 
general surgeon asked me if I wanted a plastic surgeon involved.  I ended 
up getting a tummy tuck with the hernia repair.  So, I've had experience 
with a plastic surgeon in Round Rock.  (I had all my babies at the 
hospital in Round Rock and had my abdominoplasty there, as well.  If 
anyone needs a recommendation for a GP in Round Rock, I can do that, as 



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