Julia Thompson wrote:
> 1)  Whacked my toe yesterday morning, hurt like the dickens, wasn't sure I 
> should try to get X-rays or anything (and I didn't want to, truth be 
> told), so I asked a mailing list and the consensus was what I wrote above. 
> Decided not to go, toe still hurts, but not as badly, and it's all kinds 
> of pretty colors on the top, but looks fine on the bottom.  (OK, maybe not 
> "all kinds" of pretty colors, but there are 3 distinct ones in the 
> blue-purple range.)
Can I make a suggestion? Get some plasticine from the kids toy box and 
make two thin blobs of it, one to fit against your big toe, and one to 
fit against your third toe. It will feel wierd (even icky) at first, but 
the support they will provide to the second toe will make all the 
difference, particularly as you walk.

Russell C.
(Been there, saw a podiatrist for that)


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