On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, Doug Pensinger wrote:

> Julia  wrote:
>> (And, the concensus as to whether or not to go to the ER with a potential
>> broken toe is, "If you want prescription painkillers, sure, but there's
>> not a whole heck of a lot they'll actually *do* for you."  So, I'm going
>> to wait until Monday and see how bad it is then, and if it's really bad,
>> call my GP and get a recommendation from *her* as to what to do.)
> Ouch!  Hope you're not in too much pain.  What happened?

Whacked my toe on the lip of a bin.  It's the one next to the big toe. 
The top of the toe is multi-colored now.  It hurts, but not as badly as 
yesterday.  I'm taking ibuprofen for it, that's helping enough with the 
pain.  Just can't run and have to be careful how I walk.



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