2016-03-29 17:20 GMT+02:00 Christopher Sean Morrison <brl...@mac.com>:
> On Mar 29, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Daniel Roßberg <danielmrossb...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Therefore, you want to write a function
> automatic_polygonal_mesh_healing(struct polygonal_mesh mesh)
> which can be used both in BRL-CAD and OpenSCAD. The main problem for
> a portable module here is the polygonal_mesh structure which both
> applications have to provide. Possible solutions could be:
> 1.) There are converters for BRL-CAD and OpenSCAD which convert the
> specific mesh structures (e.g. bot in BRL-CAD) to "struct
> polygonal_mesh" and back.
> [snip]
> 4.)
> The project can define a polygonal mesh structure that is compatible with
> the STL format, which both OpenSCAD and BRL-CAD support.  It's a simple and
> limited format, but trivial to convert to/from.  It is essentially an array
> of floating point vertices and an array of faces with integer references
> into the vertex array [*].
> [*] This is essentially what BRL-CAD's BoT structure implements, but this
> shared library could implement a simpler compatible structure.

This would mean that the mesh healing function changes (somebody could
say "destroys") the original mesh structure because the additional
features of BoT, NMG and OpenSCAD get lost simply by converting the
mesh back and forth, which is not optimal.


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