
> Generally it sounds OK, if it's feasible.  I.e. you have the original
> mesh, a healed simplified mesh and you want to combine them to get the
> result, right?
> Yes, that's what i intended.

 The intention of my question was that you think about possible
> consequences of changing the order of triangles and vertices. Are there any?

I don't think there are any consequences to the change in order, as far as
i understand. All the algorithms assume the order of the vertices and the
faces to be in some arbitrary order, so a shuffle will not change anything,
i think.

I now understand that the base class has the polygonal_mesh structure and
we work with that, but just implement the structure differently for both
the derived classes. Did i understand it right?

I will get back after understanding the OpenSCAD code. I'll be able to
decide on the method better then.

Thank you so much for all the advice, i'm getting the hang of it better
now. :)

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