I'm sorry if I send this message twise, but something happened with my internet connection first time I sent it, so I'll send it again so I'm sure it will be sent.

If I just install espeak-ng in arch linux and run:

$ ./configure && make

I get an error because libespeak.so is not included in espeak-ng on arch linux. Probably brltty should not try to build the espeak-driver automaticly if espeak-ng is available.

But if I run:

# ln -s /usr/lib/libespeak-ng.so.1 /usr/lib/libespeak.so.1

# ln -s /usr/lib/libespeak-ng.so.1 /usr/lib/libespeak.so

$ ./configure && make

It works!

How ever, then I found another problem. All speech messages are enqueued. So if I walk two lines quickly, brltty speaks the first line done before it starts to speak the second line. I have set "say line mode" to immediate. This is probably a bug and I would be very pleased if it could be fixed.

Best regards,


On 12/4/2019 4:28 AM, Dave Mielke wrote:

[quoted lines by Tage Johansson on 2019/12/03 at 23:40 +0100]


I first ran:

# brltty -v

How ever, brltty was allready running from systemd, but I got the following
useful output:
So, from the output I can see that brltty cannot load my braille display
because brltty is already running.

But more importantly, I see that brltty cannot load
/usr/lib/brltty/libbrlttysen.so. Therefore I think that brltty isn't compiled
with espeak-ng.

So now I'd like to compile brltty with espeak-ng support. What files from
espeak-ng do I need in order to do that?
You need to install your distribution's eSpeak-NG developer packge. It's
probably named something like espeak-ng-dev or espeak-ng-devel. This must be
done before running configure.

If it is possible, it might be even better if I could just compile the
espeak-ng driver. So I just get libbrlttysen.so and can then put it at the
right place. That way, I don't need to reinstall brltty on my system.
Sure. In theory, that should work. Be careful, though, to compile for the same release of brltty that you're running. Also, ensure that the owner and group of
libbrlttysen.so, as well as its permissions, are the same as the other .so
files in the same directory.

There is one more thing I would like to mention which is certainly a bug in

If I stop brltty and then run brltty -v I get a segfault:
How ever,it works if I run brltty without the -v option:
So far, I haven't been able to reproduce it. I'll keep trying. If you know how
to get a gdb backtrace, that might be helpful.

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